
The vision of the program committee is to facilitate Church programs and events.

FIESTA – 2019

Calling members of St. Mark’s Cathedral for a suitable theme for the FIESTA proposed to be held on 2nd and 3rd of Nov. It is two-day event and funds raised through the event will be used for Church infrastructure development purpose. Get involved and be part of it. The last date to submit the theme is on the 15th of July 2019. Yes, the winner will be recognized. Please click the URL to provide the detail.

Please go through the URL to get more details about Fiesta 2019

  1. Rev. Dr. Vincent Vinod Kumar, Presbyter-In-Charge
  2. Mrs. Christy Joseph – Secretary
  3. Mr. Joseph Davaraj – Treasurer
  4. Mrs. Anjana Samuel – Convener
  5. Mrs. Patricia Job
  6. Mr. Newton Michael
  7. Mr. Raja Jenish
  8. Mr. Kannappa Narrian
  9. Ms. Sheila Swartz
  10. Mrs. Mary Mandi
  11. Mrs. Shirin Pragasam
  12. Mr. Martin Henry
  13. Mr. John Thomas
  • Rev. Dr. Vincent Vinod Kumar, Presbyter-In-Charge
  • Prof. Hephzibah Doss – Secretary
  • Mr. Deepak George Pothan – Treasurer
  • Dr. A. Ebenezer – Convener,
  • Mr. Robinson Doss,
  • Mrs. Regina Sundara,
  • Ms. Alvina Pearson,
  • Mrs. Renuka Vijay,
  • Cdr JSK Williams,
  • Mr. Sudhakar Doraiswamy,
  • Mr. Timothy Charles,
  • Ms. Reshma Rebecca Mittal,
  • Mr. Dennis Rakshak.

Sub-Committee Member for the period 2011-2013

  • Rev. Moses Jayakumar – Chairman
  • Mrs. Anjana Samuel – Convener
  • Mr. Samuel Mohan – Secretary
  • Mr. Mathew Isac – Treasurer
  • Mr. Sukirtan K. Das
  • Mr. Preetam Koilpillai
  • Mrs. Rani Padman
  • Ms. Asha Elisha
  • Ms. Shireen Victor
  • Mrs. Jaya Kaundinya
  • Mr. Sukumar Jacob
  • Mrs. Sherene Pragasam
  • Mr. D. V. Pichamuthu
  • Mr. Ajith Samuel
  • Mr. Stephen Paul
  • Mr. Michael Newton
  • Mrs. Vinaya Boniface


  • Mrs. Geetha Basappa
  • Mrs. Nirmala Matthan
  • Mr. Preetam Koilpillai
  • Ms. S.K. Das
  • Mr. J.R. Samuel
  • Mr. Emerson Samuel
  • Mr. Roy Thomas- Convener

The Committee focus on

  • Harvest Thanksgiving festival to raise funds
  • Conducting Church Picnic
  • Conducting traditional festival and so.