Sunday School

Sunday School originated in Gloucester during the 18th century. Robert Raikes opened a place for kids working in factories, who had only Sunday off. He kept them engaged by teaching them to read & write, so that they do not commit crimes or mischief during the factory off-days.  That’s how the first Sunday school started in 1780 !.

St. Marks’ Sundays School journey started 200 years back when the Church was built.

New Registration for the Academic Year 2021-22

The St. Mark’s Cathedral Sunday school is inviting new registrations. Please register your child using the following link and will be contacted
by the Sunday’s school team. Click here for New Registration.

Children who have been part of Sunday school during last academic year, need not register again. They have been promoted to the next classes. The session for the academic year 2021-22 starts from 20th June 2021


“Train a Child in the way he should go & when he is old, he will not turn from it.” – Proverbs 22 :6 The vision of Sunday school is to lead the children towards Christ, enriching them with His Knowledge, Love, and preparing them as His disciples.


The mission of the Sunday school is to facilitate each and every child to grow with Christian values through relevant Biblical teaching, enriching their scripture knowledge and understanding, developing leadership qualities among them and bring them up as a good citizens of this and eternal world.


Conduct Sunday school classes as per the plan • Develop leadership qualities among the Children and to create a platform for fostering the children’s talents • Involving children in various Church programs • Facilitate and coach children to participate in external and internal scripture exams and Inter Sunday school programs to exhibit their talents and to glorify God

Conducting VBS

Motivate the teachers and children • Establish communication among parents, teachers and children • Conduct spiritual development workshop for teachers and volunteers • Continuous Focus • Enriching Children’s scripture knowledge – through MVT, and coaching and encouraging them to participate on scripture exams • Self Motivated Talent Exhibit program • Junior Choir – Provide a platform and take part in the 10:30am worship choir(4th Sunday of every month) • Continual process improvements • New Initiatives • Host St. Mark’s Inter Sunday school Fest • Technology Enhanced learning- Provide students with higher quality of learning experience • Spiritual guidance for teachers and student counseling

Ser No. Teachers / Volunteers Class / Role
1 Lt. Col George Mathew Convener
2 Hillson Raj Core Committee
3 Joseph Davaraj Core Committee
4 R. Beniston Joel Core Committee
5 M.J.Prabhukumar Core Committee
6 Sheryne John Beginner 1
7 Jisha John Beginner 1 (Volunteer)
8 Priya Wesley Beginner 2
9 Jacinth Hillson Beginner 2  (Volunteer)
10 Rashmi Raahul Beginner 3
11 Priyanka Immanuel Beginner 3  (Volunteer)
12 Vinita Mervin Primary 1
13 Sneha Thomas Primary 1  (Volunteer)
14 Aaron Jebaraj S Primary 2
15 Moses Jayakumar M Primary 2  (Volunteer)
16 Suchithra Charles Primary 3
17 Anita Johnson Primary 3  (Volunteer)
18 Sasheetha SS Selvin Junior 1
19 Rumya Ranjith Junior 1  (Volunteer)
20 Elizabeth Rajesh Junior 2
21 Sujanya Sukumar Junior 2  (Volunteer)
22 Priscilla Satish J Junior 3
23 Shammy Ruskin Junior 3  (Volunteer)
24 Yallina Thomas Inter 1
25 Evelyn Hillson Inter 2
26 Chantal Paul Inter 3
27 Gabriella Solomon Inter 3  (Volunteer)
28 Sunila Kumari Foundation
29 Kadambari Nanmaran Foundation  (Volunteer)
30 Bindu Mathew Senior 1/ Core Committee
31 Jeffrey Jason Senior 1
32 Crystal Paul Senior – 2A
33 Jennifer Hephzibah Senior – 2B
34 Mathew Issac Senior 3
35 Vinodh Nicholas Senior 3  (Volunteer)
36 Anila Varughese 10:30 Session
37 Chris Sanandam 10:30 Session  (Volunteer)
38 Nithya Abraham 10:30 Session  (Volunteer)
39 Neha George Operations  (Volunteer)
40 Selma Jerrin Operations  (Volunteer)
41 Anand Paul Junior Choir ‘B’  (Volunteer)
42 Lena Prabhukumar Operations  (Volunteer)
43 Wesley Kuruvilla Music Support  (Deputed from UTC)
44 Clement Junior Choir ‘B’  (Volunteer)
Month Date Event
Jan 6  Sunday school reopens
Jan 13 Senior class session
Jan 20 Memory verse Test
Jan 27 Class Assessment
Feb 17 Talents Day
Mar 30 VBS-Teachers Training
Mar 31 Retreat
Apr 7 Annual Day
Apr 8-13 VBS
Apr  19 Good Friday
Apr 21 Easter
Jun 2 SS Teachers and Volunteers Retreat
Jun 9 Sunday school – begins
Jun 16  Parents Meeting
Jul 7 Sunday school Picnic
Aug 11 Senior Class Retreat
Sep  1 Teachers Day
Sep 15 Harvest Festival
Sep 29 Inside Church
Oct 13 B-KEP Exam
Oct 20 East Parade Scripture Exam
Oct 27 Senior Session
Nov 3 World Sunday school days
Nov 10 Remembrance Day
Nov 17 Girl Child Sunday
Nov 24 Breakfast Sale
Dec 1 Senior Session
Dec 6 Christmas Program Practice
Dec 7 Christmas Program
Dec 8  Visit to Orphanages


It is summer time! time to send your children and grandchildren to Vacation Bible School!!

On-Line Registration Form

Click here for VBS Registration Form for 2023.

Paul Amirtharaj

Prabhukumar M J

Priya Wesley

Rita Paul

Bindu Mathew

Aaron Jebaraj

Dear Parents,

Registrations for the East Parade Annual Bible Contest are now open. Here are the details:

Click on the link for online registration –


Fill in the requisite details and submit the form. Please share the registration link with members of your church/school via Email and/or Whatsapp.

Once you submit the form, you shall receive an email from Google Forms with a copy of the details entered, which can be edited later, if needed. You shall also receive another email from with details of the category and Bible portions applicable to the participant, based on the date-of-birth entered on the form.

10 October 2019, is the last date for registrations. The organisers would like to avoid spot registrations to better manage logistical constraints and ensure a smooth experience for all participants. Therefore, we humbly request everyone to register well before the deadline.

Registration Fee is Rs 50/- per head. This may be paid prior to the day of the exam, at the East Parade Church Office or at the venue on the day of the exam. Hall Tickets will be issued from 1:30 pm on the day of the exam, at East Parade Church.

For any concerns/clarifications please email or contact the numbers provided on the Poster.

We request your continued prayers and active participation.

Thanking You.

Sunday School Team



BKEP – 2018 : Questions and Answers

  1. Rev. Dr. Vincent Vinod Kumar, Presbyter-In-Charge
  2. Mrs. Christy Joseph – Secretary
  3. Mr. Joseph Davaraj – Treasurer
  4. Lt Col George Mathew – Convener
  5. Mr. M. J. Prabhukumar
  6. Mrs. Bindu Mathew
  7. Mr. Hillson Samuel Raj
  8. Mr. Beniston Joel
  9. Mr. Vinod Nicholas

Rev. Dr. Vincent Vinod Kumar, Presbyter-In-Charge Prof. Hephzibah Doss – Secretary Mr. Deepak George Pothan – Treasurer Lt Col George Mathew- Convener , Mr. Hillson Samuel Raj, Mr. M. J. Prabhukumar, Mr. Joseph Davaraj, Mr. Beniston Joel, Mrs. Bindu Mathew