

The objective is to establish a communication process and procedures for the Church to communicate the congregation members and wider audience through Pew Slip, Magazine, newsletter, web site, and social media.

Pew Slip:
The source is through sub-committee members of the respective committee and the final proof to be reviewed and approved by the Secretary before it goes to the press.

Magazine and Newsletter:
The Magazine sub-committee reviews the matter as per their established guidelines and then get published. The soft copy of the Remarkable and Newsletters shall be published in Church website.

Church Website:
The Church website is being maintained by Jira Software. The owner of the content is the respective committee conveners. The committee conveners have to send 1) Content to Communication committee members for the review 2) Once it is reviewed and approved 3) and it will get published. Please contact Mr. John Wesley Amose  ( for any technical issues on the web page. The content can be sent to the email : with the subject line ‘St Marks Church Website:….’

Social Media :
The content should align with the vision and mission of the St. Marks Church for publishing it in social media. There should be a specific purpose of reaching out to the target audience. It is not meant for the general public rather it is targetted to the specific audience so the groups will get created with moderator access.  The below guidelines applies not only to the social media posts but also for internet, intranet and other mode of communications as well.


  • Avoid copyright infringements.
  • Avoid misleading content and verify the authenticity of any references in your posts.
  • Be clear in your content so nothing is misunderstood.
  • If you are unsure about posting something, don’t put it up.
  • Do not share sensitive, confidential, proprietary information.
  • Do not engage in unlawful or unacceptable conduct online.
  • Avoid defamatory, offensive, derogatory or dishonourable content on race, ethnicity, disability, etc.,
  • Keep it simple.
  • If an error has occurred, please get back to our team immediately to work on corrective measures.
  • Remember that your local post with us can have a wider significance.
  • Be respectful, polite, and patient in your communication. Build trust even in your disagreement.
  • Let your comments on social media be enriching, and only respond if you can contribute positively to the conversation.
  • Protect the reputation and interests of the Church and prevent exposure to unnecessary liabilities through your use of our social media.
  • Ensure your branding and use of icons, logos, etc., are used correctly with any necessary trademark symbols that protect brands.
  • Do not promote commercial undertakings through posts here.
  • Avoid unauthorized use of Church social media.
  • Be an ambassador for our Church, and notify us if you notice any misrepresentation of our Church on social media, so corrections can be made.
  • The online service will be streamed/videos uploaded in St.Marks YouTube Channel

The information that has to be posted shall undergo through the review and approval process. So, please fill the content that to be posted in the given online form.

Form 1 – Social Media/Facebook

The lead time is 5 working days.

Secured Membership Login Page:

We are in process of building an application to maintain Church database. As a first step, we would like to fix and clean up the wrong entries related to the member details. Kindly, help us by calling the church office and get your data to be verified. If you find any discrepancy in the existing data, please update your correct details through this form:

Form 2: Member Detail Form

As the second step, the validated data will be uploaded into the database and secured application will be built on top of it.
Lastly, the secured member database application will be built, and only the member can view and update the data, and other members won’t able to view the vital information.

  • Mr. Santosh Ebenezer Baynes – Convener
  • Mr. John Wesley Amose
  • Mr. Selvakumar Rajakumar
  • Ms. Asha Elisha
  • Mr. George Philips
  • Mr. Vinod Nicholas
  • Mr. Samuel Dhinakaran
  • Ms. Shireen Victor
  • Mr. Anton Jebadurai
Name Roles & Responsibilities
Rev. Dr. Vinod Vincent Kumar Presbyter-in-charge
Prof. Hephzibah Doss Secretary
Mr. Deepak George Pothan Treasurer
Mr. John Wesley Amose
Mr. Santosh BK
Mr. John Thomas