Mens Fellowship

  1. Rev. Dr. Vincent Vinod Kumar, Presbyter-In-Charge
  2. Mrs. Christy Joseph – Secretary
  3. Mr. Joseph Davaraj – Treasurer
  4. Mr. M. Jebakumar – Convener
  5. Mr. Michael Jebaraj
  6. Mr. David L Stephen
  7. Mr. Robinson Doss
  8. Mr. Joseph Jebakumar
  9. Mr. Ashish Arulanandam
  10. Mr. Wesley Winfred
  11. Mr. Rayudu Trinath
  12. Mr. Jesudas Nicholas

Sub-Committee Member for the period 2011-2013

  • Rev. Moses Jayakumar – Chairman
  • Mr. Joseph Davaraj – Convener
  • Mr. Samuel Mohan – Secretary
  • Mr. Mathew Isac – Treasurer
  • Mr. Binu Thomas
  • Mr. Leslie Pearson
  • Mr. Pramanand
  • Mr. Prince Edison
  • Col. J. George
  • Mr. Newton Michael
  • Mr. Paul Amirtharaj
  • Mr. Don Manohar Thomas
  • Mr. Stephen Paul

1. The twin objects of our Men’s Fellowship is to foster religious and social fellowship amongst male members of our chruch irrespective of age.

2. The meetings at present are held once a month on Saturdays of a duration of approx. one hour starting at 4 p.m. to enable attending members to their homes in time and beat the traffic.

3. The meetings start with singing of a few hymns including new ones.This is followed by a half hour of Bible study by one of our Presbyters in order to improve our Biblical Knowedge. The latter halh hour is devoted to a talk on a topic of general interest followed by tea.

4. So far we have held 5 monthly meeting during the first week of Aug,Sept,Oct,Nov 2009 and Jan 2010. Apart from singing and Bible study the following interesting talks were given by those noted below.
a) Rev Canon R. Sathyaraj, a former Asst.Presbyter gave a talk on “Evangelism in the Middle East” and struggles of the chruch.
b) Mr.M.K.Prabukumar member of our chruch, currently heading “Six Sigma” in G.E Health care, gave a talk on “Lean &Six Sigma” Principles and how these principles and how these principles and how these principles, could be used very effectively in process improvement, production, quality,cost reduction and all ather related activities.
c) Mr.Deepak George Pothan, another member of our chruch who is the Associate Vice President of DBS Bank Bangalore Branch, gave a talk on “Wholesale Banking Made Easy”. This was of particular interest to all aspirants of new ventures.
d) Rev.Dr.J.D.Arulmani, gave an OHP presentation of “The history, geography and archeological discoveries from the garden of Eden to modern Israel and How the Bible came to us”.This ineresting talk was open to all members viz. both ladies and men which was well attended. As a prelude to this meeting Mr.S.Mandi and his wife gave recital on the violin and keyboard.

5. Our endeavor in the New Year 2010 is ti attract more members to our monthly Fellowship meetings so that we could plan other interesting talks and expand to other chruch related activities.
