
  1. Rev. Dr. Vincent Vinod Kumar, Presbyter-In-Charge
  2. Mrs. Christy Joseph – Secretary
  3. Mr. Joseph Davaraj – Treasurer & Convener
  4. Mr. Mathew Isac
  5. Mr. B. N. Prasanna
  6. Mr. Immanuel Felix
  7. Mr. Gladstone Jebakumar
  8. Mr. R. C. Royappa
  9. Mr. John M Kohlhoff
  10. Mr. Vijaykumar Dhawale
  • Rev. Dr. Vincent Vinod Kumar, Presbyter-In-Charge
  • Prof. Hephzibah Doss – Secretary
  • Mr. Deepak George Pothan – Treasurer
  • Cdr A. K. George
  • Mr. Dilip Sounderarajan
  • Ms. Rebecca Nayantara
  • Mr. Binu Thomas
  • Mr. Samuel Mohan
  • Mr. Vinod Kumar Boniface
  • Mr. Salil Punoose
  • Mr. A Devaraj

Sub-Committee Member for the period 2011-2013

  • Rev. Moses Jayakumar – Chairman
  • Mr. Samuel Mohan – Secretary
  • Mr. Mathew Isac – Treasurer and Convener
  • Mrs. Sharon Joseph
  • Mr. Robert Chandran Royappa
  • Mr. Suresh V. Chelliah
  • Mr. David L. Stephen
  • Mr. D. Devaraj
  • Mr. B.N. Prasanna
  • Mr. M. Johnson


  • Mrs.Sharon Joseph
  • Mrs.Mabel Sathyavati
  • Ms. Anna Abraham
  • Mr. David L. Stephen
  • Mr.Suresh J.V. Chelliah
  • Mr. Deepak Pothan
  • Mr.B.N.Prasanna
  • Col.J.George
  • Mr.Samuel Mohan
  • Mr.Lazarus Jayasekar
  1. The Finace Committee constituted for the biennium 2009-11 had its first meeting On 08 August 2009. It review the budget for the year (2009 – 10) in the light of projections made by the variuos committees .It was found thar there would be a shortfall of approx Rs.6 lakhs. Nevertheless it was decided that instead of curtailing any programme, measures for cutting cost and unnecessary expenditure would be put in place.In addition Conveners of committees were encouraged to raise resourses to fund their programmes wherever possible.
  2. The statement of accounts for the quarter ending June 2009 and September 2009, Duly audited by our internal auditor, were approved by the PC and published by displaying it on the Chruch notice board. The salient points are:
    • We have been consistently providing financial support to the needy to educate their children,
    • Provided financial support to the deserving to obtain quality medical care,
    • Help poor congregations to have good infrastruture for conducting their worship services as well as their community activities,
    • Help needy students in Theological education,
    • Contribute to Theological colleges to extend scholarships,
    • Supporting the activities in the mission fields,
    • Contributing towards flood relief.

    It will be seen that over 45% of the recepits from members subscription and offetory is spent on the above. In order to ensure that our giving reaches only the deserving ,the Finance Committee drafted comprehensive guidelines for providing financial support.

  3. The facilities we have are also carefully nursed and put to good use to generate some income.It is being ensured that they are maintained well by ploughing back a part of the income earned from it on their maintenance.However to protect and preserve these facilities comprehensive conditions for hiring have been laid down.These were also drafted by the Finance Committee and approved by the PC.
  4. The staff have been granted an increase of 20% in their DA to partially neutrtalize the abnormal increase in the cost of living.
  5. As already announced, our intention to help build a chruch for the Byappanahalli congregation has been taken forward.The commitment is estimated to be approx Rs 17 lakhs. We have been able to set apart Rs 15 lakhs towards this.
  6. There is alag in the realization of our campus. The KCD is being periodically reminded. Despite this our financial position as of now is healthy.